Motorcycle vest patches are a great way to show your personality and represent your club. But there are some rules you should follow when it comes to patches, as well as some types of patches to avoid. Custom patches can be a great way to really stand out, and there are different placements for different types of patches. Keep reading to learn more about motorcycle vest patches!
Motorcycle Patches to Avoid
- Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs Patches,
- 1%er patches
- White supremacist biker clubs Patches
- Gender and race discriminatory patches
- Quebec Biker War Patches
Motorcycle Vest Patches Rules
If you're a member of a motorcycle club, then you know the importance of wearing your patches correctly. There are many rules and regulations that go into wearing your club's patches, and if you don't follow them, you could be kicked out of the club or even worse. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 motorcycle vest patches rules. We'll also provide some tips on how to properly wear your patches so that you can represent your club in the best way possible!
Rule # 01
It's a good idea to be cautious about where you display your patch. You don't want to put it in a location where it can be readily ripped off or destroyed.
Rule # 02
Avoid touching the patch or the colors of other members. It's a huge no-no. It indicates that they aren't taking your leadership seriously and could lead to fights or being kicked out of the group.
Rule # 03
If you lose your club membership, you must surrender your patches (colors). This is a method of ensuring that only members who are in good standing with the club wear the patches.
Rule # 04
Don't accept a member's vest as a loan. There have been club fights, and people have even been kicked out of the group.
Rule # 05
Only sleeveless vests should be patched. This is the conventional method of displaying motorcycle club patches, indicating that you're a member in good standing.
Rule # 06
The colors of a motorcycle club must be earned, not purchased. If you want to display the patches of a motorcycle club, you must first demonstrate your commitment and devotion as a loyal and devoted member.
Rule # 07
Putting unneeded patches on your vest is a terrible idea. It may make you seem like a poser or wannabe, and it can lead to fights or your resignation from the club.
Rule # 08
Don't wear your patches while driving a car. It's considered poor manners, and fights or expulsion from the club are possible outcomes.
Rule # 09
Each biker club has its own set of regulations for wearing patches, so it's critical to become aware with your club's unique guidelines. If you don't follow the standards, the members of the club may take punitive measures against you.
Rule # 10
Learn what the various kinds of back patches signify. There are several distinct varieties of back patches, each with its own significance. It's critical to understand the meanings of these symbols so that you can properly represent your club.
By following these top ten motorcycle vest patches rules, you can ensure that you're wearing your patches correctly and representing your club in the best way possible! Do you have any other tips for wearing motorcycle vest patches? Share them with us in the comments below!
Custom Motorcycle Vest Patches
It can be hard to find good quality motorcycle vest patches.
Not only is it hard to find good quality motorcycle vest patches, but it's also hard to find patches that are made out of soft rubber PVC, embroidered or woven. And if you're looking for reflective or glow in the dark patches, that can be even harder.
Sienna Pacific offers custom motorcycle vest patches that are made out of soft rubber PVC, embroidered or woven. We also offer a number of backing options such as hook and loop or hook and loop backing, iron on, peel and stick or just plain backing for easy sewing on any kind of clothes. Plus, we have a huge range of designs to choose from so you're sure to find the perfect patch for your needs.
Types Of Biker Patches
Motorcycle Vest Back Patches
The back of a vest is often reserved for the largest patches, which usually signify the club to which the wearer belongs. These are typically round or oval in shape and feature the name of the club, as well as its logo or other identifying symbols.
Biker PVC Patches
PVC patches are a popular choice for bikers because they're durable and weather-resistant. These patches can be used to represent anything from a rider's home town to their favorite motorcycle brand. PVC patches are typically small in size, so they don't overwhelm the rest of the design.
Custom Embroidered Motorcycle Patches
If you're looking for a high-quality, custom patch to represent your motorcycle club, then consider investing in embroidered patches. Embroidered patches are made from fabric that is densely stitched with thread, which results in a beautiful and highly detailed design.
Embroidered patches can be used to commemorate any special event or milestone in your club's history, or they can simply be worn as a show of pride and support. Whatever your needs may be, we at Bad Ass Patches can help you create the perfect patch!

Big Rocker Patches for Biker Vests and Jackets
If you're looking for a large and eye-catching patch to put on the back of your vest or jacket, then consider investing in one of our big rocker patches. These patches are available in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find the perfect one to represent your club.

In Memorian Patches for Biker Vests
In memorian patches are a beautiful and respectful way to remember a fallen brother or sister. These patches can be customized with the name and dates of the person you're honoring, as well as any other important details.

Motorcycle Name Patches for Biker Vests
Whether you're looking for your own name patch or the name of your club, we've got you covered. Our motorcycle name patches are available in a variety of colors and fonts, so you can find the perfect way to represent yourself.

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